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By Julius Zerwick

朱利叶斯·泽威克(Julius Zerwick)

This article is about how I went through my job hunt for a full time position as a software engineer in New York City and ended up with my dream job. I had spent two years building my skills and had aspirations to work at a top tech company with a high bar for engineering excellence.

本文是关于我如何在纽约市担任软件工程师的全职工作,并最终完成了理想的工作。 我花了两年时间来培养自己的技能,并渴望在一家拥有卓越工程卓越水准的顶级高科技公司工作。

I knew this goal would not be easy to achieve, especially without a CS degree, barely having any network in New York City, and having to compete against engineers from top schools. It would be a long shot, and I was prepared for the long haul.

我知道,要实现这个目标并不容易,尤其是没有CS学位,在纽约市几乎没有任何网络并且必须与顶级学校的工程师竞争时。 这将是一个漫长的过程,而我已经为长途旅行做好了准备。

9 weeks later…


I’m ecstatic to say that I’ve accepted an offer from DigitalOcean to work as a Software Engineer II from their NYC HQ!

我很高兴地说,我已经接受了DigitalOcean的邀请,希望从他们的NYC HQ担任软件工程师II!

This success came after countless study sessions, mock interviews, hours of practice, and facing numerous challenges & rejections. But I kept my spirits up and came out the other end happier than I imagined possible.

在无数次学习会议,模拟访谈,数小时的练习以及面临众多挑战和拒绝之后,取得了成功。 但是我保持精神振奋,走出另一端比我想象的更快乐。

How did you go from start to finish?


That question is what this article is all about! I’ll be detailing my preparation process for interviews, how I built my network, and managed myself during this job hunt.

这个问题是本文的全部内容! 我将详细介绍我的面试准备过程,如何建立自己的网络以及在此求职期间如何管理自己。

That being said, everyone’s experiences are different and should pull from this article what they feel will benefit them. No two job hunts are the same and there are different factors in each one.

话虽如此,每个人的经历都不一样,应该从本文中汲取经验,以使他们受益。 没有两次求职是相同的,并且每一次都有不同的因素。

With that said, let’s dive in!


第一件事:建立坚实的基础 (First things first: build a solid foundation)

Before anything else, it’s vital that you have a rock solid foundation in the fundamentals of software engineering. Instead of chasing after the hottest technologies, what’s important is to have the technical foundation needed to learn new things quickly and deeply.

首先,您必须在软件工程的基础知识上拥有坚实的基础。 与其追逐最热门的技术,重要的是拥有快速而深入地学习新事物所需的技术基础。

In my opinion, the best way to do this is to pick one industry-proven language and stick with it while learning about variables, functions, tools, software design, databases, APIs, and building web applications. This allowed me focus on depth in my knowledge, proficiency in solving coding challenges, and experience in building quality projects.

我认为,做到这一点的最佳方法是在了解变量,函数,工具,软件设计,数据库,API和构建Web应用程序的同时,选择一种经过行业验证的语言并坚持使用。 这使我能够专注于自己的知识深度,熟练地解决编码挑战以及构建优质项目的经验。

To build my fundamentals, I chose to study at which offers an extensive curriculum and rigorous assessment process that ensured that I had deeply learned the fundamentals before progressing.


建立一个给雇主和工程师留下深刻印象的项目 (Build a project that impresses employers & engineers)

In the current day, there are multitudes of bootcamps and online tutorials that provide aspiring software developers with projects to help them land a job.


However, there is now a saturation in the market of developers with simple CRUD apps or clones of popular apps like Instagram, Netflix, Reddit, etc. These projects no longer impress employers or other engineers as they once did.


That said, many engineers need some way to evaluate you before giving you a referral and there is no replacement for showing your skills off with a solid project.


That’s why , , and I built , a real-time collaborative REPL that allows developers to write and execute code in the browser for Ruby, JavaScript, and Python.

这就是 , 和我构建了 ,该实时协作式REPL允许开发人员在浏览器中针对Ruby,JavaScript和Python编写和执行代码。

It was an incredible experience, and also a TON of work. You can read more about how we built SpaceCraft in this or read our .

这是一次令人难以置信的经历,也是很多工作。 您可以在阅读有关我们如何构建SpaceCraft的更多信息,或阅读我们的 。

We spent hundreds of hours researching how to build a REPL, enable real-time collaboration, use Docker to create isolated user sessions, and handle user requests with a proxy server.


有效地推销自己 (Market yourself effectively)

While SpaceCraft may showcase our skills, I still needed to get people to look at it. Since I had relocated to NYC for my job hunt, my professional network was close to nil and I did my best to put myself in front of as many engineers as possible.

尽管SpaceCraft可以展示我们的技能,但我仍然需要让人们来看看它。 自从我搬到纽约求职以来,我的专业网络几乎为零,我尽我所能使自己尽可能多地出现在工程师面前。

That’s why our team wrote our case study, an article on HackerNoon, and presented at Meetups. These efforts helped us stand out among the sea of other applicants and generated interest from employers & engineers.

这就是为什么我们的团队撰写我们的案例研究(一篇关于HackerNoon的文章)并在Meetups上发表的原因。 这些努力帮助我们在其他申请人的海洋中脱颖而出,并引起了雇主和工程师的兴趣。

Presenting at Meetups were a game changer for me as they got my name out there and procured referrals to several companies, along with giving me the chance to practice and refine my communication skills.


I also built a and beefed up my & profiles in order to make it easier for prospective companies to find me and see my work.


Devoting time to market yourself and skill set through writing articles, presenting at events, and professional networking sites can lead to a big payoff in the interview process.


I had a big increase in the number of engineers and companies reaching out to me after seeing my updated profiles and hearing me present, and having a video of my presentation to include in my outreach emails resulted in a higher response rate and more interviews.


接触工程师和公司 (Reach out to engineers & companies)

In the same vein, I made sure to consistently reach out to engineers at companies I was interested in. Using LinkedIn Connect requests, I had over a dozen coffee meetings with engineers from DigitalOcean, Cockroach Labs, Oscar Health, DataDog, Peloton, and more. These meetings helped me get a feel for the job market in NYC, hear an insider perspective on company culture and teams, and gain referrals.

同样,我确保始终与感兴趣的公司的工程师联系。使用LinkedIn Connect请求,我与DigitalOcean,Cockroach Labs,Oscar Health,DataDog,Peloton等公司的工程师进行了十几次咖啡会议。 。 这些会议帮助我了解了纽约市的就业市场,了解了内部人士对公司文化和团队的看法,并获得了推荐。

My advice is to approach these meetings casually and with interest in your fellow engineer’s work, career, and company. Don’t go in asking for a referral at the beginning, many times they will offer to refer you if you’re nice and the conversation goes well.

我的建议是随便参加这些会议,并对您的工程师的工作,职业和公司感兴趣。 一开始就不要要求转介,很多时候他们会推荐您,如果您很友善并且对话顺利。

Another form of outreach that I did was more directly emailing engineers. Whenever I found a job posting that I really liked, I would reach out to an engineer who works at the company through LinkedIn Inmail, using when needed to find contact info.

我所做的另一种外展形式是直接向工程师发送电子邮件。 每当我找到我真正喜欢的职位时,我都会通过LinkedIn Inmail与该公司的一名工程师联系,并在需要时使用查找联系信息。

In the email, I would include an introduction on my background, my most impressive project, a link to one of my presentations, and ask if they were open to chatting about the position.


This form of outreach lead to my highest response rate out of any other avenue with nearly 1/3 of all my emails getting a response. Remember, the job hunt is entirely a numbers game and it’s best to try out all forms of outreach to see which nets you the highest returns.

通过这种形式的外联,我获得了最高的回复率,几乎是我所有电子邮件的1/3。 请记住,求职完全是一场数字游戏,最好尝试各种形式的外展活动,看看哪些能为您带来最高的回报。

学习,练习,重复 (Study, practice, repeat)

That said, none of these efforts would go anywhere if I didn’t have the skills to succeed in the technical interviews. With a solid foundation in the fundamentals, I needed to spend my time solving coding challenges and studying topic relevant to the positions.

就是说,如果我不具备在技术面试中取得成功的技能,这些努力都将一事无成。 在基础知识上有扎实的基础,我需要花时间解决编码挑战并研究与职位相关的主题。

The types of questions and challenges you can face in interviews are VAST and often times you won’t know what to expect. Many of the top companies will focus on algorithms and data structures, while startups and mid-size companies may focus on more “practical” problems like refactoring an existing class or adding features to a basic project.

您在面试中可能遇到的问题和挑战的类型是VAST,而且通常您不知道会发生什么。 许多顶级公司将专注于算法和数据结构,而初创公司和中型公司则可能专注于更多的“实际”问题,例如重构现有类或为基本项目添加功能。

My advice is to study a variety of coding challenges and do your best to predict the questions they will ask you. For algorithms and data structures, my main resources for building a foundation and conceptual understanding were:

我的建议是研究各种编码挑战,并尽力预测他们会问您的问题。 对于算法和数据结构,我用于建立基础和概念理解的主要资源是:

I also solved 2–3 problems a day on for 5–6 days a week.

我还每天在上解决2-3个问题, 5-6天。

Many companies will also have a system design interview to assess what level to hire you for. If you’re aiming for mid-to-senior level roles, you’ll need to devote more time to this area.

许多公司还将接受系统设计面试,以评估要雇用的级别。 如果您打算担任中高级职位,则需要花更多时间在这一领域。

I found the best resources to be and reading various blogs on specific topics. Here are a few blogs I’d recommend:

我找到了最好的资源来进行并阅读有关特定主题的各种博客。 这是我建议的一些博客:

Another very common step is to complete a take home challenge. The variety of these challenges can make it hard to prepare for, but there are some common topics. Several that I saw were:

另一个非常常见的步骤是完成一项挑战。 这些挑战的种类繁多,很难做好准备,但是存在一些共同的主题。 我看到的几个是:

  • Build a RESTful API that handles several provided cURL requests

    构建一个RESTful API来处理几个提供的cURL请求
  • Build a CLI app that stores inputs (like albums, artists, and release year) and allows users to retrieve them

  • Build a game using React/Rails (ex: Tic-Tac-Toe, Blackjack, Minesweeper)

    使用React / Rails构建游戏(例如:井字游戏,二十一点,扫雷)
  • Given a spec and example of the finished product, create a web page that is as close to pixel perfect to the example as possible.


The upside is that you have more time to complete them in the comfort of your own home, and there are lots of opportunities to impress by writing a comprehensive test suite, identifying & addressing edge cases, and finding extra touches to add.


Over my job hunt, I typically spent Monday-Thursday applying to companies, doing outreach, and solving LeetCode challenges or studying system design. I reserved Friday-Saturday to practice building a take home project. Here are some to consider:

在找工作的过程中,我通常在周一至周四花时间向公司申请,开展业务,解决LeetCode挑战或研究系统设计。 我保留了周五至周六练习练习带回家项目的方法。 这里有一些要考虑的问题:

To prepare for live coding challenges, I used for mock interviews 3–4 times a week, which improved my performances by leaps and bounds.


I’ve written before on this topic in , but essentially when under pressure our mental abilities can suffer due to the feeling of being evaluated. The best way to combat this issue is to have mock interviews to recreate the experience until we’ve adjusted to it. Having a problem solving process also really helped to give me a leg up, and the best one that I’ve found is .

我之前在“ 写过这个主题,但是从本质 ,在压力下,我们的智力会由于被评估的感觉而受损。 解决此问题的最佳方法是进行模拟采访,以重新创建体验,直到我们适应为止。 解决问题的过程也确实帮助了我,我发现最好的是 。

知道您在角色和公司中寻找的东西 (Know what you’re looking for in a role & company)

With all that said, it’s important to take the time and consider exactly what you’re looking. Do you have a strong preference between backend, frontend, or full stack positions? How big of a company do you want to join? Which industries interest you? And in which direction do you want to grow your career?

综上所述,重要的是要花一些时间并仔细考虑您要查找的内容。 您在后端,前端还是全栈位置之间是否有强烈的偏好? 您想加入多少公司? 您对哪个行业感兴趣? 您想朝哪个方向发展职业?

Your answers to these questions can have a dramatic effect on which companies you choose to interview with. As software developers, we’re lucky to have no shortage of jobs and companies looking to hire, but it’s important to remember these points:

您对这些问题的回答可能会对您选择采访的公司产生巨大影响。 作为软件开发人员,我们很幸运,没有职位短缺和想要招聘的公司,但是记住以下几点很重要:

  1. There is a large variety of roles and areas of work to choose from, and you should consider which areas of software development you want to specialize in.

  2. You should try to find a role and company that you’ll be happy to work in for several years. My personal opinion is that it’s important to build your experience, credibility, and professional network as an engineer and it’s best to work 1–2 years minimum in each role, rather than job hopping every 6 months — 1 year.

    您应该尝试找到一个乐于工作多年的职位和公司。 我个人的观点是,建立作为工程师的经验,信誉和专业网络非常重要,并且最好每个职位至少工作1-2年,而不是每6个月跳槽-一年。
  3. Just as there are a lot of good jobs in software, there are also a lot of bad jobs that you want to avoid. Not every job will have you work on mature, experienced teams building ambitious, challenging projects. There are jobs in which you could mainly handle tedious tasks, clean up legacy code, or simply minor UI components day-in & day-out.

    正如软件中有很多好的工作一样,您也要避免很多不好的工作。 并非每一项工作都会让您在成熟,经验丰富的团队中工作,以建设雄心勃勃且富有挑战性的项目。 在某些工作中,您可能主要要处理繁琐的任务,清理遗留代码,或者只是日复一日的次要UI组件。

So take the time to think about what you want and list the things that you look for in your dream job. For myself, I wanted a role that focused mainly on backend development with the opportunity to:

因此,花点时间思考一下您想要的东西,并列出您梦dream以求的工作。 对于我自己,我想要一个主要专注于后端开发的角色,并有机会:

  • Learn a compiled language like Go.

  • Work on distributed systems and possibly microservices.

  • Join an experienced team of engineers to learn from.

  • Have the ability to work remotely from time-to-time.

  • Work at a company that values diversity and inclusion.

  • Have benefits toward continued education.


I aggressively sought out companies that offered most of them and didn’t spend time applying to those that didn’t. While not every company would have everything I was looking for, I knew that I would be happier with the end result than if I just mass applied everywhere.

我积极寻找能够提供大多数服务的公司,而不花时间申请那些没有提供服务的公司。 虽然并不是每个公司都能满足我的需求,但我知道,与只在任何地方大规模应用相比,最终结果会更快乐。

A side benefit was that by targeting the specifics of my next role, I was able to focus my studies on relevant topics that allowed me to improve with every interview, which I feel gave me the needed edge to land my role at DigitalOcean.


管理面试周期 (Manage the interview cycle)

The interview process for software development is grueling, and the potential for burn out is very high. Typically, the process can comprise of 3–5 steps, or even more, like so:

软件开发的面试过程非常艰巨,而且烧坏的可能性非常高。 通常,该过程可以包含3–5个步骤,甚至更多,例如:

  • Initial phone screen with HR or a recruiter

  • Phone call with a company engineer or hiring manager

  • Live code challenge with a company engineer

  • Take home project

  • Onsite at the company

  • Potential offer extended


Exhausting, right? And every company is different, with some having only 1–2 interviews before the onsite and others taking months!

精疲力尽吧? 每个公司都不尽相同,有些公司在进行现场采访之前只有1-2次采访,而另一些则要花费数月的时间!

From my job hunt, I experienced a cycle that repeated itself. First, I would have initial phone screens with multiple companies. These would then lead to code challenges, take home projects, or technical phone screens. After several of these steps and opportunities getting filtered out, any onsites would get clustered into the same week or two.

从找工作中,我经历了一个重复的循环。 首先,我将拥有多家公司的初始电话屏幕。 这些将导致代码挑战,带回家的项目或技术电话屏幕。 这些步骤中的一些步骤和机会被过滤掉之后,所有现场都将聚集在同一周或两周内。

Since the intensity of these stages increased the further I went in the process, I had less time for new applications due to increased studying, culminating with my onsites which had me studying full-time without sending fresh applications. If no suitable offers were extended, then I would start again with fresh applications and the cycle would start over.

由于这些阶段的强度不断增加,因此我需要进行更多的研究,因此由于学习量的增加,我有更少的时间来申请新的申请书,而最终到达现场的是我全职学习而又没有发送新的申请书。 如果没有提供合适的报价,那么我将重新开始新的应用,整个周期将重新开始。

Here are some tips when going through this cycle:


  • Try to keep your application activity high throughout the cycle. It’s important to keep applying and doing outreach in order to fill your interview funnel with new opportunities.

    尝试在整个周期内保持较高的应用程序活动。 继续申请并进行拓展很重要,以便为您的面试渠道增加新的机会。
  • Have a daily goal of applications and outreach to complete. My daily goal for Monday-Thursday was to submit at least 5 applications (often with cover letters) and reach out to 5 engineers for coffee or to ask about open positions.

    每天完成应用程序和扩展目标。 我周一至周四的每日目标是至少提交5份申请(通常带有求职信),并与5位工程师接触喝咖啡或询问职位空缺。
  • Think critically about what to expect in each interview. You may get some details in your initial phone screen about the interview process, but always ask for more info in order to prepare.

    认真思考每次面试的期望。 您可能会在初始电话屏幕上获得有关面试过程的一些详细信息,但始终要求提供更多信息以进行准备。
  • If you have a call with a CTO, know that it’s common for them to ask you technical questions regarding your resume as well as behavioral questions.

  • Don’t schedule onsites on back-to-back days. They are by far the most exhausting steps and need more preparation. Always give yourself at least one day of rest in-between onsites to recharge, review topics, and mentally prepare.

    不要在背靠背的日子安排现场。 到目前为止,它们是最繁琐的步骤,需要更多的准备。 在现场之间,请务必给自己至少一天的休息时间,以充实精力,复习主题并做好心理准备。

在整个过程中避免倦怠 (Avoiding burnout through the process)

At this point, I want to address the importance of avoiding burn out during the job hunt. With the sheer number of interviews to complete and associated stress, it can easily feel overwhelming at times.

在这一点上,我想解决在求职期间避免倦怠的重要性。 由于完成大量访谈和相关的压力,有时很容易让人感到不知所措。

Don’t overwork yourself by studying & coding for 6+ hours a day on top of interviews, and dedicate time each week to disconnect and recharge. It’ll help you maintain your energy & focus as you steadily ramp up the intensity of later stage interviews.

不要在面试之外每天学习和编码超过6个小时来过度劳累自己,并每周分配时间断开和充电。 在稳步提高后期采访的强度时,它将帮助您保持精力和专注。

At most, I studied 4 hours a day and prioritized deep work as described in Cal Newport’s , which is where you focus intensely for a period of time on a task that is more difficult than what you’re used to without any distractions.

最多,我每天学习4个小时,并按照Cal Newport的描述优先进行深度工作,在该阶段中,您要长时间集中精力完成一项比平时难以做的事要分散注意力的任务。

This meant solving algorithm problems or practicing projects that were harder than what I had already completed. This made sure that I kept improving my skills, while also identifying where I struggled and needed to study more.

这意味着要解决算法问题或练习比我已经完成的项目要难的项目。 这确保了我在不断提高自己的技能的同时,也确定了自己在哪里苦苦挣扎,需要学习更多。

And no matter how busy my week was, I always took at least one day off to relax and recharge for upcoming interviews.


到底… (In the end…)

I’m extremely happy with the results of my job hunt and feel that the approaches I detailed above worked well for me. For those of you out job hunting now, I hope that this article proves helpful to you. I also recommend reading the following article, which I found very helpful for my job hunt:

我对求职的结果感到非常满意,并感到上面详述的方法对我来说很有效。 对于那些现在正在求职的人,我希望本文对您有帮助。 我还建议阅读以下文章,该文章对我的求职非常有帮助:



Good luck to everyone out there job hunting, keep it up!


Please let me know what you think in the comments! I’d love to hear more about your job hunt experiences and what has worked for you.

请让我知道您在评论中的想法! 我想知道更多关于您的求职经历以及对您有用的东西。



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